Accident Reporting
Car Accident Reporting Procedures
Regardless of the severity of the accident, drivers must report and review all accidents with their FLUX and client supervisor. This includes any accidents while using client, personal or rental vehicles while on company business. Driver’s Accident Reports may be downloaded from the link below. Reports should be completed within 24 hours after the accident or as soon after the accident as practical.
We recommend printing out the auto insurance card and checklist to leave in your glove compartment in case of an accident.
Drivers who are involved in work-related accidents resulting in an injury to the employee must report the injury to FLUX Human Resources.
Workplace Accidents
If an on-the-job injury or illness does NOT need a 911/emergency response, you should immediately tell your supervisor and call WorkCare at (888) 449-7787. You can help minimize the severity of the injury or illness by getting treatment as soon as possible.
You should immediately notify BOTH your FLUX Human Resources and client supervisor should any injury occur; regardless of the severity. Such reports are necessary to comply with state and federal laws and initiate insurance and workers’ compensation benefits procedures.